We are continually purchasing more bikes to have on display. We have found over the years that the best way to find bikes is by word of mouth.
We have also noticed that a large number of important, special and historically important bikes have disappeared to overseas buyers. These bikes may never find their way back to Australia. In most cases, if we had known the bikes were for sale we could have purchased them for the museum and made sure they stayed in Australia.
We are keen to buy any single bike or complete collections.
We have over 4000 books in the library, these include specific model reference books, plus a huge range of genuine parts books and workshop manuals.
We are also keen to purchase any brochures, banners, posters or another motorcycle specific literature.
We are very short on display material, we need, significant or historical items such as helmets, leathers, race programs, posters, signs, engines, cutaways, bowsers, period items etc.
We would greatly appreciate any gifted items, we can display on loan, or purchase outright.